Querystring API

Also called RIAPI (RESTful Image API)

This API doesn't care about the order in which you specify commands; they're executed in a standard order regardless.

trim whitespace -> srotate -> sflip -> crop -> scale -> filter -> pad -> rotate -> flip

Executing with imageflow_tool

imageflow_tool v1/querystring --in a.jpg --out b.jpg --command "w=100&h=100&mode=max" --quiet

URLs with demo server


Common examples

  • width=100&height=100&mode=max&scale=down ensures the image is downscaled to 100x100 or less, but does not upscale the image if it is already smaller than that. Aspect ratio is maintained.
  • width=200&height=200&mode=max&scale=both ensures the image is downscaled or upscaled to fit within 200x200, maintaining aspect ratio.
  • width=200&height=200&mode=pad&scale=both ensures the image is downscaled or upscaled to fit within 200x200, maintaining aspect ratio, then is padded to make the result always 200x200.
  • width=300&height=300&mode=crop&scale=both ensures the image is downscaled or upscaled to fit around 300x300, then minimally cropped to meet the aspect ratio. scale=both ensures the image is upscaled if smaller so the result is always 300x300.