width constrains the image width. w is an alias for width
height constrains the image height. h is an alias for height
dpr is a multiplier for width/height to make responsive image usage easier.
mode determines how to handle aspect ratio differences.
stretch distorts the image to be exactly the given dimensions, if scale=both. If scale=down (the default), the image is only scaled if width and height are smaller than the image.
pad scales the image to fit within width and height, then pads 2 edges (bgcolor) to make it.
crop scales the image to fit above width and height, then minimally crops to meet aspect ratio.
max scales the image to fit within width and height
scale controls whether images are upsampled or not.
down - Never upscale an image - return at original size instead
both - Downscale or upscale to meet size requirements. Image enlargement causes blurriness and should be avoided.
canvas - Add padding instead of upscaling to meet size requirements.
up - Never downscale, only upscale to meet requirements. Rarely used.
anchor determines how the image is aligned when you use mode=crop, mode=pad or scale=canvas.
The default is middlecenter
values are topleft, topcenter, topright, middleleft, middlecenter, middleright,
bottomleft, bottomcenter, and bottomright.
sflip flips the source image in the x, y, or xy dimensions.
flip flips the result image in the x, y, or xy dimensions.
srotate rotates the source image 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
rotate rotates the result image 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
crop=x1,y1,x2,y2 crops the source image to the given coordinates. If x2 or y2 are negative, they are relative to
the bottom-right corner of the image. crop=10,10,-10,-10 removes 10 pixels from the edge of the image.
cropxunits=100&cropyunits=100 makes the crop coordinates percentages of the image instead of pixels.
trim.threshold=80 specifies a threshold to use for trimming whitespace.
trim.percentpadding=0.5 specifies percentage of padding to restore after trimming.
bgcolor must be in the form RGB, RGBA, RRGGBBAA, RRGGBB, or be a named color.
bgcolor determines the color of padding added with mode=pad or scale=canvas.
ignoreicc=true causes the source image's color profile to be ignored and treated as sRGB.
ignore_icc_errors=true causes color profile errors to be ignored rather than causing the operation to fail.